الشاي الأسود العضوي Keemun هو نوع من الشاي الأسود الصيني الذي يزرع في مقاطعة Anhui في الصين. إنه أحد أشهر أنواع الشاي وأكثرها رواجًا في العالم ، وهو معروف بنكهته ورائحته الفريدة.

تاريخ الشاي الأسود العضوي Keemun يعود إلى أواخر القرن التاسع عشر

الشاي الأسود Keemun Xiangluo – أفضل شاي عطري

The tea was first developed by a tea master named Yuan Jinxin, He was a tea expert who had studied the art of tea making for many years, and He was able to create a unique blend of tea that was unlike any other tea in the world. He used a combination of different tea leaves, including the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant, to create a unique flavor and aroma.

Keemun Xiangluo black Tea - The best aroma tea
Keemun Xiangluo black Tea – The best aroma tea

Yuan Jinxin’s tea quickly gained popularity among tea drinkers in China and abroad

It was praised for its unique flavor and aroma, and it soon became one of the most popular teas in the world. Today, Organic Keemun Black Tea is still one of the most sought-after teas in the world, and it is enjoyed by tea drinkers around the globe.

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